Starting the blogs

My first Blog was the hardest, starting is always the hardest part of a task, as often you don’t know where to. However Starting with a festival I had just been to was an easy place to begin with.

The blog was straight forward having just been to the festival the day before.

Including media was difficult, trial and error was how i learnt how to do so, and eventually I managed to do so, by inserting the link into the text. This was after finding out how to insert a picture as the header however, which proved to be extremely tasking. The process was the same and after that I had no troubles in inserting media.

Since I’ve had no problems regarding the blogs themselves.

Categorising the Blogs

I struggled to categorise and link the blogs to the menus at the top of the Webpage.

I travelled up to Lincoln for help from my Colleagues and they aided me in doing so. It was relatively straight forward and something that I could leave until near the end of my websites completion.

Creating categories was straight forward, and My colleague simply showed me how to link it to the menu at the top of the page.

Setting up the site

Choosing a website theme was very straight forward, however I initially wanted to do a website on La Liga, however I changed my mind and opted to create a website regarding Dance music.

Creating the pages and selecting them as menus proved to be hard, as my knowledge on creating websites was very limited.

Trial and error helped, and through trying different options I managed to figure out how to include menus at the top of the screen and selecting the pages I wanted there.

After doing so it was straight forward from there and I managed to include my first menu, and knew how to do so from there on.